Do your babies or toddlers also like plants? I think almost every child love plants. It is very good to see toddlers caring for your houseplant and giving them attention. Sometimes some plants are not good for children or on the behalf of many reasons we should need to try some safety. So today in this article at growncares we will cover, How to protect plants from toddlers in five easy ways:

Protect Plants From Toddlers

Simple Steps On How To Protect Plants From Toddlers?

Hang Your Plant Up

It is very simple, and it will also increase the beauty of your house. Like if you are having some viney plants like dischidia and many others. This method is going to work very well. First I recommend using a hanging pot and making your plants safer from children. In the case of big plants, you can keep them at a height and can make them unreachable from children.

Protect Plants From Toddlers

Use A Safety Gate

This method is very great and useful if you are having a bright window in your house. Plants love to stay near a window and it will also look amazing to have bundles of plants near a window. Corals or gates are going to work very well in such cases. These protector gates are fixable and you can adjust them as you need according to your area. Mostly gates lines have some spaces between them, which means your children can still reach the plant by using their long arms. So keep plants at some distance.

See also  Dischidia Ovata or Watermelon Dischidia Care Guide

Don’t Allow You Toddlers Or Childrens To Stay In The Soil

Do your children eat the soil? Because it can taste delicious to them but do you know soil disorders? If yes, now you have to prevent them away from the soil. I hope that your children will play with soil and they must be spreading it and making the place dirty. So next up are all these steps to keep the toddlers away from soil and make them safer:

See also  Repotting Monstera Plant In Right Way

Use A Cling Wrap And Protect The Pot

This method works very well for me, I have covered the plant with the help of cling wrap, but you can easily cover the pot and its material through cling wrap and it will be safer. It is simple to use and that’s very cheap. It can a little difficult to add it to your pot, but it can work with many different kinds of plants.

But cling wrap is not a solid solution for your children. It will work for very small toddlers but if your child is grown a little he can easily win against a cling wrap. I don’t recommend it if you are a starter gardener. It will be difficult to manage your plant like:

  • Problem during watering
  • No access to soil
  • Can’t mange humidity
  • And Many more

Have a look at the other 3 and let’s see if anyone is perfect.

By Using Plant Pot Covers

You can easily buy any plant pot cover from a nearby home improvement store, or through any other online store. These are live pot covers that can fit on your pot while letting the space for plants to grow. You will also get stacks with them which are trimmed in the soil and this method will work very well for you. Its a grid-like design that helps you to easily manage and understand the conditions of the plant like:

  • It is easy to care
  • You can check the soil
  • Can manage the humidity level
See also  Repotting Monstera Plant In Right Way

It is easy to add to your pot and it will fit very easily on your favorite pot. These covers are not a lot of expensive, but you will get them at a suitable price and they will work well.

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Toddle Proof Your Plants By Using A Tall Outer Pot

A Tall outer pot is one of my favorite methods to protect plants from toddlers. It is the big outer pot, in which you can fit your whole pot with plant and this big pot will protect your plan from children. At first, get a measurement of your pot and secondly measure the reach of your toddler, so buy such an outer pot. This method will work well for larger plants and will cover them. I am also using these covers on my monstera mini and it works very well and keep the children away from the soil. In the case of very big plants, you can get the help of a woven basket which is going to work very well.

These outer pots are expansive and it will be difficult to water the plant while covering your pot through it. So it may change the routine of your plant.

That’s all with our article on the baby or toddler proofing your houseplants and hope that you will have loved this, Growncares will come back with new articles on your interesting topics.