We can define the Philodendron Gloriosum plant and its all facts through a single word: Showstopper. It’s all due to its foliage which grows slowly. If you love philodendron you must have grown other varieties like Pink Princess Philodendron and a lot more. In this specific post by growncares, we will discuss complete care, propagation, different disease, and problems of this plant.

Growth and Size

How Big Philodendron Gloriosum Can Be?

In optimum and perfect growing conditions, its leaves show incredible growth and their size can be increased up to 36 inches. However, this favorable growth is not possible in house plants but we can still expect spectacular foliage and large size through proper care.

As we have discussed above that its growth is slow so it may take over one month time for the single leaf to open and this thing works the same for other philodendrons as the Prince of orange plant also but not for all.

Plant growth is crawling, which goes along the forest floor, and the leaf stems that emerge up from the rhizome show horizontal growth on the ground. Because of this reason, rhizomes should not bury underground and keep above ground level. It is considered a creeper plant but not a climber because it shows horizontal growth.

Care For Philodendron Gloriosum


Like Philodendron Ginny It cannot afford direct sunlight. It requires indirect but bright light to thrive and lush growth. Natural light may be an issue or not enough, so you can use grow light to enrich your plant. Make sure to monitor the plant under the grow light before its permanent application and observe the plant response. You must observe all the characters to make your plant happy. It can be figured out by adjusting the distance.


Water this plant by observing the moisture level of the top inches of the soil surface. Be sure that potting mixture is dry and requires water. Note down both the conditions, don’t let the soil dry out, and also prevent the plant from overwatering. It could your plant at risk of fungus attack which causes root rot.

The humidity of Philodendron Gloriosum

It is native to the land of Colombia, which is a tropical area. Therefore your plant thrives in humidity. A humidifier can be used to keep your plant humid and it is the simplest way to provide humidity.

Let’s cover some more easy methods and their step-by-step instruction on humidity creation for houseplants.

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Potting Mix

It all depends upon the soil mixture which is used in the pot. A well-draining and aerated mix that also has a good water holding capacity will definitely work best for This plant. It can be well accomplished through the use of orchid mix and a little amount of peat and perlite mixed in.

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An optimum fertilizer use will make a beautiful canopy development. On the other hand, a heavy dose of fertilizer may affect the plant negatively so don’t overuse it. It is best to use balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer after a month in the growing season (summer and spring).


Philodendron gloriosum is a little slow grower so it should not be reported often but maybe after a couple of years. But repot it when you observe a vast growth and it’s leaning over the pot edge or when it becomes rootbound. At this stage, the plant will try to crawl but it couldn’t do it because it ran out of pot space.

(Note: Rootbound-ness can be observed, roots may come out of a drainage hole or by slipping the plant out of its pot and it is checked that roots are in the form of a heavy coil around the outer part of the soil.)

Take a long and rectangular pot for repotting the plant because it has crawling nature. It is also fine if you want to grow it in a round pot. Always choose a big or next-size pot as compared to the previous one that has the best drainage. Make sure you are repotting it in the spring and summer seasons.

Pruning or Cutting

Such plants do not require any pruning but there is a need to remove any dying leaves. If it is unable to pull them off through your hands then you can use a sharp pair of scissors. Make sure to cut the leaf from the base and you are using a neat and clean cutter.

In my personal view, do not show any voluntary action in pruning because the plant grows slowly. But if you want to give a specific shape and size you can do it. Never do the over-pruning, it may damage the plant.

Does Philodendron Gloriosum Produce Flowers?

At maturity, It shows the occasional flowers with the contrast of white spathe-and-spadix flower.

Problems And Pests

You may have to have to face some pests or other diseases on Philodendron Gloriosumare discussed below:

Philodendron Gloriosum care

Read More: Philodendron Splendid: Complete Care Guide


Normally pests attack is not common on houseplants, but like many other house plants, you can spot some spider mites, aphids, or mealybugs on your plant.

Normal Houseplant insect controllers will be useful against these pests or you can also use miticide which is effective against spider mites. Always prevent these chemicals away from your children and from your pet’s friends.

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Leggy Stems

It is a problem of etiolation or legginess due to the lack of light. Plant stems are stretched and try to grow towards the light. The plant required an appropriate amount of light so try to increase the level of light but it should be balanced, bright, and indirect for the plant.

Yellow Leaves

Too much over and direct sunlight with the overuse of water is the common cause of yellow leaves. This error has the same cases for every houseplant, you can read our guide about pothos leaves turning yellow, our guide will also work for philodendron and every other plant also.

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Dropping Leaves

Late water application or providing over water is the most common cause of dropping leaves.

Crispy Leaves

Too much direct light is the most common cause of crispy leaves.

Root Rot

Overwatering is always damaging but its consistent application leads to the problem of root rot you can also fix root rot by applying different methods.

Propagation of Philodendron Gloriosum

Identifying the rhizome

Before the description of propagation of this plant, you must know where the rhizome is found in the plant. If you land directly on this paragraph you must have the rhizome information. The main stem of the plant which grows horizontally along the ground is known as the rhizome. In the case of houseplants, it grows along with the soil of our pot.

Propagation process

Follow the below points to proceed with the propagation:

Take a pair of sharp and clean scissors. Identify a rhizome piece that is between the two leaves. Cut the stem, and leave some leaves with the mother plant. A node, from which leaves and roots grow, can also be used for the propagation. The most suitable propagation piece should have the growing leaves. It will be faster and easy to grow.

When the cutting is ready, place the cutting part in a pot or container which have sphagnum moss. Now place it in moderately bright and indirect light. Make sure to provide moisture to the moss as root development started.

A plastic cover can be used to lock the moisture in the container. It is usually applied in the dry season. A humidifier is the best solution to provide moisture to large cuttings. If you have covered the top of the cutting with a plastic bag, make sure to open this bag for a few minutes every day. So it will allow your cutting to get fresh air.

After a few weeks of cutting placement, apply a soft and gentle tug, if you feel resistance it means that roots have developed. Now you can repot your cutting in a more suitable container with a quality potting mix for further growth. Give the proper care according to the above instructions given in the potting mix and repotting section.

Is Philodendron Gloriosum toxic to your pets?

Yes, this plant is toxic for pets, so keep your beautiful pets away from this plant.

Philodendron Glorious vs Gloriosum

Philodendron Glorious is a hybrid plant between Philodendron Gloriosum and Philodendron Melanochrysum. Glorious has narrow and long leaves. It is a climber plant in nature and can also crawl. On the other hand, Gloriosum cannot climb but only crawls.