Your plant will not die after a root rot attack but you can still save your plant by providing some best care we will discuss here. To save your plant, you have to perform some actions quickly to save the plant at the initial stages. So, surely you will be interested to know about the safety of the plant. Today at Growncares, you will see how you can save your plants from roots and how to fix root rot.

What Is Root Rot? And How It Comes?

Root rot comes because of extra water or wet conditions and these conditions invite different fungal attacks on the soil. Air is necessary for roots to stay well. Oxygen is important for roots with water and your plant roots will be happy. Most plants that you have grown in pots can face root rot because most gardeners cannot manage the moisture and water conditions that are required for plants.

Root Rot is possible because of a few other factors and mostly in 95% of cases we have seen that it’s because of overwatering conditions. So we will discuss its care and prevention in detail.

Diagnosis Of Problem

Before starting any treatment for root rot or many other houseplant diseases, it is necessary to ensure that is it root rot or not. And after confirmation, you can start your best treatment against them to save your plant. So here are different factors through which you can understand the problem:

Standing Water

Have a look at the pot saucer and if you spot standing water at the bottom ( it is just possible because of overwatering ) it will affect the roots of the plant and they will lose strength. SO always water after understanding the conditions of every plant ( you can read about your favorite house plant by searching on our website).

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Changings In Leaf Color

First of all, keep in mind that every plant loos the color of older leaves and they fell when their life span ends. But after noticing you spot new leaves which are turning yellow or having brown spots over them shows that it’s because of a problem in the roots. Yellow leaves of pothos or such plants can be because of many other things, so confirm whether these are just because of root rot or not.

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Problem In Roots

In end, after finding any problem with roots now you can simply verify this by taking your plant out of the pot and having a close look at its roots. Your plant roots must be changing color or in brown color, soft and spongy roots or any fuzzy material is coated over the roots confirms that your plant is facing root rot.

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Treatment Against Root Rot Or Fix Root Rot

Your healthy plant which is having root rot must have light colors like green and tan like color. In these situations, the plant needs some more care, if you have confirmed that the issue is surely root rot then perform some actions to save your plant which is listed here:

Remove Affected Leaves

Remove all the leaves which are not good or change their color and mostly you will have yellow leaves, remove all these leaves from the top to the base of the plant.

Dry The Soil

Have you confirmed that it is root rot? and if you are not confirmed about the issue but waterlogging and leave color is still a problem? Then let the soil dry for about 3 days. Mostly this method is suitable if your plant is not damaged by root rot. Allow the water to dry completely, it will help the roots to get some air which is necessary to be healthy. But if you can’t fix this then follow another way listed here.

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Repot Your Plant And Change Soil With Some Required Root Cutting

Now you have to repot this plant to save it. First of all, take your plant out from the older pot and remove all the soil which is possible but make sure that you are not disturbing the roots of the plant. After this process, now you have to prune the roots which are affected, use any sharp cutter or knife, and cut down all the affected and dead roots, so your plant will just have healthy roots.

Now repot your plant with a new soil mixture. your soil mixture must be well-drained and rich in nutrients. A normal potting mixture with a perlite mixture will be highly suitable for this.

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But you will be having many questions now. As your plant is already shocked because of root rot and repotting will give another shock to your plant and it will go to death. But we can’t leave plants in such bad conditions of roots which are surely going to kill your plant, so in these conditions repotting is helpful to save the plant.

How We Can Prevent Plant From Root Rot Problem?

Is it better to prevent disease instead of finding a solution after problem? For root rot water is the main point and you have to do well with this but a few others are listed here:

  • Your selected pot must be having drainage hole.
  • Use a well-drained potting mixture.
  • As we mention this topic in the care guide of many plants, allow the potting mixture to dry out before watering. In this way, roots will get some oxygen, and always check the water requirements by inserting your finger in the pot. This method is awesome and will save your plant from many diseases and will increase its life span.
  • Prevent waterlogging.
  • The plant will require less water in winters as compared to summers, so always water according to needs.
  • Give proper care to your plant and it will save your plant from having some diseases and problems.

You can easily control root rot by following some steps mentioned above but it is just possible if root rot is at its initial stages. If you want to get rid of mealybugs or fungal gants or anything about gardening make sure to explore our blog. In case of too many problems, I recommend getting some cuttings and propagating your plant.