Mini Monstera, Monstera Ginny, and Philodendron Ginnie are the shared names of Rhaphidophora tetrasperma (Biotechnical Name). It also belongs to the Rhaphidophora genus and has beautiful leaves loved by every gardener. All the names)( monster, Philodendron, and Rhaphidophora) belongs to the Araceae family and the peperomia plant is from a different family but has the same characteristics.

This plant has tropical vibes, which allow the plant to climb any wall or something like that, which will make your house beautiful, and monster ginny will grow very fast if you have given any support. For better plant growth, you can use any type of stick bamboo stick, pole, or stack to support better plant development.


This plant was found in southern Asia in about 1800, in different areas of Thailand and Malaysia. But now, this plant is very rare in the wild, and it’s becoming a very common house plant.

Monstera ginny

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How Big Mini Monstera Can Be?

On average mini monster, plants grow about 7-8 feets easily depending on your care, climates, and a lot more.

Mini Monstera Care


Bright but indirect sunlight is loved by monster mini and place it near a window or near any medium where it can get more bright sunlight. But remember that extra or too much bright indirect light can also be effective, so prevent much bright area and never take your plant in front of direct sunlight.

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Furthermore, if you have low light issues and can’t provide enough light to your house plant, you can use glow lights that are highly recommended for such close and dark places but maintain the required distance from plants.

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Low or overwatering can be effective, and before watering, make sure that potting mix is dry. Simply insert your finger into the potting mixture and if the top layer of the soil feels dry, it means your plant needs water, and through this way, you will be safe from under or overwatering. Water well and avoid water lagging because it can cause root rot, and always use the best pot with a drainage hole to remove extra water.


In the growing season, you can fertilize monster mini ( spring and summers). Any type of normal fertilizer or natural fertilizer is suitable and can be used every month and give the last fertilizer at the ending days of summer and never fertilize this in the cool winter season.


Like other house plants With time, the monstera plant will grow more, and it must be repotted after every year or whenever you spot some roots in the drainage hole. For repotting, always select about 2 inches wider and longer pot, and it must be having a drainage hole at the bottom.

So this allows your plant to grow more and better at this stage, you can also get some cutting for propagation and grow your garden.

Philodendron Ginny

Propagation Of Monstera Ginny

You can easily propagate mini monstera through its cuttings and grow your garden more. Simple use a sharp cutter or knife and take about 8 inches long cuttings and make sure that it has t least one node with it (node is an area where the plant will start roots production).

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Now remove all the leaves from the cuttings and plant them in a suitable pot with the best potting mixture. You can use rooting hormone or honey at this stage, and it will help in germination. After almost 10-14 days, your cutting will start producing roots. You can check this gently by disturbing the soil a little, and after this, start treating it like a plant.

Is Mini Monstera Toxic For Pets And Humans?

Yes, it is toxic for pets and humans because it has calcium oxalates in it, which can cause skin and mouth disease.