Hoya Bella is one of the beautiful houseplants in its species and it’s somehow different to care than other plants of the same species. It is a subspecies of Hoya lanceolate. In this post at growncares, we are going to discuss its’ complete care, disease, problems, needs, and different ways of propagation.

It’s an epiphyte. Epiphytes are the plants that grow on the surface of other plants. It is a native plant of India and its leaves are succulent, so they don’t like to be dry like all other relative plants. As many medicinal herbs can grow on the surface of other plants but hoya Bella has a different interface.

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Care Guide Of Hoya Bella

Here are just two main things in the care of hoya Bella, first, never let the soil dry between watering, and second extra light, all other things are also discussed below in detail.


Shady light is suitable for this plant, but shady conditions are just possible outdoor below or tree or any medium like that. As an indoor plant filtered or low light areas are highly suitable and prevent direct light otherwise it will hurt the plant. It’s a variated plant and low light can also affect its variations like every other variated houseplant. Low lights do not mean no light or very low light, but as an indoor plant if you are having low light issues grow lights are going to help you a lot, and it’s the best solution for this.


Other varieties or hoya like moist potting mixture but for this one water when at least top 1 inch is dry and prevent overwatering if you want to be safe from root diseases like root rot. Be safe from these things and always manually check potting mixture conditions by inserting your finger.

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I love high humidity and you should need to care about this. In case of low humidity, a humidifier will be the best solution for gardens like mine.

Potting Mixture

As you know that it’s an epiphyte plant and grows on the surface of other big trees. It doesn’t like to be packed tightly in the pot, so always use a loose and well-drained potting mixture. Pertile or bark mixture with the normal house plant potting mixture will be a great choice.

hoya bella plant

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It can survive well without fertilizers but liquid or normal houseplant fertilizers will be helpful to grow better. Always use fertilizers in the growing season’s spring and summer, extra fertilizers will result in different plant problems.

Support For Plant

It is not a perfect climber and if you have grown it with a tree no need to worry about that, but most people grow it in hanging pots and no need for any support for this.

Pruning Or Cutting

It is not necessary, but it will be better to remove leggy stems or some extra-grown stems which are affecting the shape of the plant. Use any sharp cutter or knife for running purposes but never do a lot of cuttings at a single time. Leggy or long stems show that plant is not receiving extra light and it will not be fixed by cutting. You should need to displace your plant and place it in bright light.

Never cut down the peduncles(it’s a place where hoya flowers every time) if you will cut this spot, the plant will lose the ability of flowering.


It’s having a root bounded system and doesn’t like to be repotted early. But if you spot some extra roots from the drainage hole, the plant needs repotting. Repot your plants in growing seasons (spring and summer) and always choose at least 2 inches wider and longer pot than the older one, in which you are going to repot.

Flowering Process

This hoya plant has beautiful white and pink star-like flowers, which are really amazing. But sadly some owners of this repotted that we randomly spot some flowers on this plant, but here are some tips for caring about this and for getting more flowers.

  • Your plant must be fully grown or mature.
  • Never cut down peduncles or you will just randomly see a few flowers.
  • Fill up all the requirements and place it in a suitable place to get light.
  • Provide more and required humidity level
  • Fertilize with N-P-K ratio and with phosphorus, so it will help in more flowering.
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Problems And Pests Of Hoya Bella

Yellow Leaves

Overwatering can be a solid reason behind this, moisture for a long time and waterlogging will bring these conditions. Always water after checking the soil conditions physically through your finger.

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Wrinkled Leaves

Low water will be a reason for this or hoya remains dry for a long time.


Mealybugs and spider mites are two common pests that can be found on this plant try using neem oil or common houseplant pest pesticides.

Propagation Of Hoya Bella

Its propagation is possible in a potting mixture of water, but always grows multiple cuttings and potting mixture method is having success rate.

Propagation In Water

Take about 6-8 inches longer cutting which is having few leaves and it always takes a cutting below the node. Use any sharp knife or cutter to get the cutting and it must be having at least one node (node is an area where your cutting will produce roots).

Now place your cutting in a jar filled with water and make sure that at least one node is in it. Under proper care and best light conditions, you will see some roots producing in the first two weeks. Always change the water when it looks dirty or after every 3-4 days.

When these roots grow about 2 inches you can then transplant them into your pot and give it the required care.

Propagation In Potting Mixture

Get the cutting in the same way as it’s discussed for water propagation. No select a suitable potting mixture and plant your cutting in that, and remove all the leaves from cutting if you like. Under proper care, bright sunlight, water requirements, and under the best humidity cutting will produce roots soon. For more humidity cove the head of cutting with a plastic bag and remove it every day, so cutting will get the fresh year. After 10-14 days cutting will produce roots and you can treat it like a plant.

More Details About Hoya Bella

Size And Growth Of the Plant

Most of the varieties of hoya are really slow grown this is medium grown, not so fast. Its vines will grow about 2-3 feet longer under proper light, water, and humidity conditions.

Is Hoya Bella Toxic For pets?

No, it’s not toxic for your friend’s pets but we always recommend keeping your pets away from plants.