ZZ plant is really easy to care and it is the best choice for everyone mostly new gardeners. We will discuss its care, light, water requirements, and all the important factors.

 Zamioculcas zamiifolia is among the best plants for beginners and due to its hardy nature, no one can kill it, You can also try other easy-to-care plants as one of my favorites is Fettonia. Its other name is Zanzibar gem. This plant has many characteristics but it is famous for its survival in low light conditions. But if we talk about other plants, they will definitely die in low light conditions.

You have seen a lot of hardy plants but ZZ plants have special characteristics in terms of their hardy nature. They have an attractive appearance and their foliage branches have an arching nature on beautiful thick stems. Their moderate height is just according to your decor with the clean and modern type of lines. Now we will talk about its caring practices. Let’s discuss.

What is the native land of ZZ Plant?

If anyone has a thirst for knowledge and he also loves indoor plants he will definitely search where his plant comes from and how it grows. The reason is that he will definitely try to create an environment similar to the native land of plants. As we have discussed it is more known for its short names like ZZ plant or Zanzibar gem, interestingly it is sold as eternity plant or aroid palm.

Its native land is the famous grasslands and forests of eastern Africa, Where it shows another ability which is its survival in drought conditions. Zamioculcas zamiifolia plant has a lot of drought land adaptations, It stores a lot of water in its rhizome as well as in its think stem. This water is used for later water tress conditions. Glossy, thick, and waxy leaflets grow along the hardy stems.

ZZ plant Care


It is a succulent plant that can establish in a pretty low quantity of light. It is a single character, but this major character makes it a perfect match for your offices. You can also decorate your windows and rooms which get very little light due to deep overhangs and tree shades.

However, I will advise you to grow the ZZ plant in those places also which receive bright and indirect light as well. You will see the best growth at these places. So there is no need to limit your plant to dark places. Just need to avoid the sunlight which comes directly, as a result, you will observe a happier plant.


ZZ plant establishes from Rhizome (it is just like the potato bulbs from which roots and shoots emerge), which does a secret work of water restoration. Because of this reason, ZZ plants do not require water often. Water the plant when the soil surface is dry. It means that in sunny and warm water you are watering your plants after 2-3 weeks. On the other, in darker and cold weather you will definitely water them after 4-6 weeks.

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The size of the plant and the amount of light are the most important factors in watering. So give proper attention to the soil surface. Though ZZ plants are succulent and super hardy, so over after will definitely kill them. If you are not sure whether the ZZ plant requires water or not then wait until the soil surface becomes dry.

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How to Water the ZZ plant?

It’s very important that your ZZ plant roots and rhizome are not sitting in the water. It is possible through the proper infiltration of water. Make sure that the pot has a drainage hole for the removal of extra water. Aerate the soil with a wooden chopstick just before watering the plant. Use the chopstick carefully, it should not disturb the rhizome. Now water the soil thoroughly, until it comes out from the drainage hole. Be sure that water is not standing in the saucer.


ZZ plants are sensitive to overwatering, so the soil should be well-drained to avoid the plants from root rot. While if the pot has the best drainage hole, you can use any type of potting mix. You can give a little preference to perlite or a cactus mix in the potting mixture for better drainage.

zz plant care

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What is the fertilizer requirement of the ZZ plant?

There is no specific fertilizer requirement for ZZ plants. It just required a balanced liquid fertilizer which is normally used for other houseplants.

Cere tips for ZZ plants

  • Thorough but infrequent water. ZZ plants are sensitive to overwatering but it never means that you provide only a little water instead it’s a thorough application. Give a complete drink to plants when you water them.
  • Avoid too much love. I saw a lot of plant lovers give a lot of love and care to their new plants and they show it via watering. But keep in mind, a little more and more water can affect your plant badly. So water you plant at the proper time when the soil surface becomes dry.
  • Give them a little bit of shine. Help your plant in photosynthesis, you can do it by a gentle wide when you saw a cloud of dust build on their leaves. There is no need for any commercial plant shiner, soft cloth will be enough. Wipe your plant from stem to above leaves with a cloth or a sponge dampened in little warm water.
  • Away from direct light. Direct light will affect your plant badly and may cause sunburn (yes, plants can also be sunburned). It will appear as brown patches, especially on leaves. So, avoid your plants from direct light.
  • Light increases growth. You will feel that your ZZ plant is fine in dim light, but it will not show too much growth. If you want a little more growth in your ZZ plant, you should provide bright and indirect light.
  • Buy the plant of those sizes which you need. It is a very slow-growing plant. Don’t expect that you will pot it and get a big size soon. If you need a big size plant for your office corner, you should buy a larger plant, otherwise, you have to wait a long time.
  • Maintain pot Side. Like many other houseplants, Zanzibar gems also grow towards the source of light. So, for even growth of all sides and upright movement of your plant, rotate the pot after every few months.
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ZZ plant and its problems

ZZ plant is resistant to many pests and diseases due to its hardy nature. The most common problem which is seen in these plants is the yellowing of leaves. The main reason behind this is overwatering, so be careful in the provision of water.

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If you notice some yellowing on leaves then gently pull your plant out from the pot and check its soil as well as roots. If roots and rhizome are pale and crisp in color and the soil is relatively dry, then there is no need to worry. Just repot your plant after checking the water drainage. If you observe that the roots and rhizome have a dark and mushy look then it is an issue of root rot. Now you have to take some extra care.

ZZ plants like direct sunlight or not?

No, ZZ plants cannot tolerate direct sunlight. Indirect and bright light is best for these plants.

When do ZZ plants need water?

ZZ plant requires water when the soil dries completely. You can check the soil through the drainage hole of the pot, If it’s dry then water should provide instantly. On the other hand, you can also feel the soil dryness by using your finger. Push your finger at least 2 inches down the soil. If the finger comes out cleanly, it means that the soil is dry and you have to apply the water immediately. If soil is sticking the finger then wait for the next watering because moisture is already present.

Remember, the fastest way to kill the ZZ plant is over-watering. If it is not sure whether the ZZ plant needs water or not, it’s better to wait for some days and observe again. It seldomly happens that ZZ plants pass a long time without water and feel dryness. If it looked shrove or dropping the leaves then moist with some water.

Tip: Are You worried about weeds in your garden? read this natural weed killer guide from Growncares.

how to grow zz plant

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ZZ plant varieties

The classic Zanzibar gem has the glossy type of leaves which shows pale green leaves in the early stages and dark green at maturity. Here are two other recommended varieties of ZZ plants:

Raven ZZ. Most characteristics are similar to classic plants. The main difference is their deep purple leaves which look very dark, almost black.

Zenzi ZZ. This ZZ plant variety is labeled as “dwarf zz”. It is a more compact type of ZZ plant, Leaves show spiral-like growth around the stems and the plant does not get tall as the classic variety.

My ZZ plant is not growing, Why?

As we love ZZ plants to keep in dim lights like in rooms and offices. It does not show growth in low light. If you want some speedy and bushier growth, you have to provide indirect and bright light to your loving plant and many bugs and insect can also attack the plant which can affect its growth of the plant.

Is ZZ Plant safe for pets or not?

Sorry for the pet lovers, because every part of the ZZ plant is toxic in nature if it is ingested. So, keep your pets away from ZZ plants.