Alocasia Black Velvet is an incredible house plant and as an indoor plant, it’s easy to manage. If we compare other Alocasia plants with it, this plant will be easier to manage. The scientific name of this plant is “Alocasia regular” and it’s commonly known as the little queen. It’s really simple to care about that plant, and this post is all about the best things that you have to do for the care of Alocasia Black Velvet.

About The Plant

It’s a rarer find. This is part of the adored Aroid family and it is among the ‘jewel Alocasias’. This unlike gem of the plant shows deep green leaves. They are so deep in color that they almost appear black. The white silvery veins make an impressive contrast opposite to the dark leaves and the undersides of the leaves show a splotchy magenta color. Leaves are unique and their shape resembles an ovate heart. When it gets mature, the plant reaches the height of one to two feet and it has many other varieties like alocasia Polly.

While they stay mostly compact and lower to the ground. In the wild, the leaves can amazingly get a two feet wide-spreading. It’s not clear what is the origin of Alocasia regular (Black Velvet)? The major evidence points their nativity to rainforest and island regions of Asia. Alocasia plants have biological significance and near relativity hail from Borneo.

It’s very common in terms of growth and in this houseplant (and other Alocasia) for a lower, older, or smaller leaf to brown, yellow, and die-off ____ especially when the new growth comes in. When the plant tries to fill out its growth seems a little slower on the other hand leaves are continuously replaced by their subsequent growth. It is completely normal and just part of the experience of the plant! In short, simply trim away the leaves once the plant moves towards dropping to make conditions for fresh growth. It shows a white inflorescence similar to other Alocasia plants. It blooms when conditions become favorable.

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Indoor Care Guide For Alocasia Black Velvet


Like other house plants, it also required bright but indirect sunlight, but this plant can easily survive in little dark light conditions. It will be better to put the plant near a window or something where it can get bright and indirect sunlight. In the case of direct sunlight leaves of plants will start burning day by day.

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Black Velvet Alocasia

Like other plants of its family, Black Velvet will also require water in a moderate schedule. It’s not better to make a schedule for watering the plant, always check soil moisture level and water it according to the requirements. You can water the plant when the upper layer of soil gets dried.

Overwatering can be dangerous and this plant can’t bear overwater. As such when you are not sure about water, always give a little water. High Moisture levels and standing water can damage the roots of plants and it will give you disappointing results. Maybe sometimes if you notice crispy leaf tips or leaves are unhealthy, it’s a sign of very little watering.

Almost everyone has a different and unique environment where they kept the plant. So in such cases, it’s better to water the plant according to soil conditions, so the plant will get perfect water and it will be safe from overwatering. For soil testing, wiggle your finger in the soil about 1 inch, If the soil is dry about half-inch then it’s the perfect time to water the plant. In cool weather or in the winter season plants will maintain high moisture levels and they will be required less water after long days.

There is no fixed amount of water for Alocasia plants but watering should be enough to moisten all parts of the soil and exposed roots. Take your plant to the sink and irrigate the topsoil of your plant with water until the water reaches the bottom and comes out of the holes present in the pot. ( be sure you have drainage). This excess amount of water will drain out from the bottom.

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Fertilizers Need For ALocasia Black

Like all other house plants,  Alocasia Black Velvet will be required a small dose of fertilizers during the summer and winter seasons. It’s not necessary to fertilize plants in other seasons. Organic or a better chemical fertilizer can be used at least a single time a month. An extra dose of fertilizers will be bad for plants and can make them dry.

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It will be really helpful for any house plant to boost its growth after repotting. While repotting select a one or two inches wider pot which will be helpful to expand roots and the plant will look more healthy. Through repotting, plants will get fresh soil which is having rich nutrients, always use a better potting mixture that will boost the growth of the plant and it will always be healthy.

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More Care About Alocasia Black Velvet

The native land of this indoor plant is tropical jungles so it is habitual to humid conditions. It is important to increase the moisture level of plant space when you notice the deficiency of humidity (or at least nearer to the plant). We all know that high moisture may cause rot or any bacterial or fungal growth so we do not recommend mist water on the velvety leaves of the Alocasia Plant. It’s good to water the plant with a pebble tray or a light humidifier because the provision of moisture will be good and extra fine.

Like many other house plants, this plant can not survive better in temperatures lower than 28 degrees Fahrenheit. The better temperature for this plant is between  60-85°F.

Plant Diseases

Most of the time we have not noticed any type of pests attacking this plant but maybe some time spider mites attack the plant. So it will be better to check your plant daily and find a better solution if you found any pests over it and un-proper care regarding watering can bring root rot.


How Big ALocasia Black Can Be?

It can grow about 8-12 inches long as an indoor plant under proper care.

Is Alocasia Black Velvet A Slow Grower?

Yes, surely it’s a slow-growing plant but with time it will grow better and will make you happy.