It’s a beautiful and charming house plant pothos variety, Silver Satin Pothos can add beauty and greenery to any space. Every leaf is totally unique and a small silver shine makes it more beautiful. This plant is fast-growing and doesn’t need a lot of maintenance and care, and it will stay healthy easily. Just one difficult or hard thing about this plant is its name, commonly known as Silver satin pothos but bio technically is known as Scindapsus Pictus. This heart leaf plant is also known as Philodendron Silver, but in reality, it’s not a true pothos or Philodendron.



A partially shady area with bright and indirect sunlight is highly suitable for this plant like many other houseplants it will grow better in these conditions and the leaves’ size can be bigger than your hand. This plant also has vine abilities which will allow it to climb and grow more, you can use moss poll as support but many people recommend growing it with a wall, but it will not be bad to use any support system.


Always water when at least the upper layer of soil is dry or two layers of soil are dry. This plant needs a little care regarding water because Silver Satin Pothos can’t tolerate soggy soil conditions and it may bring any disease, so be careful regarding water. Bundles of water will make this plant unhealthy and it can result in plant death. If plant leaves are curling and the upper layer of soil is dry then you should need to water instant because less water can also be more effective. Always fills up all the water requirements and make sure that your selected pot is having a drainage hole at its bottom to remove some extra water and water when required.

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Satin Pothos

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It’s necessary to maintain good humidity and moisture level. If plant leaves are turning brown or drying it can be because less humidity in these cases provides an optimum level of humidity to the plant. You can put a water tray at bottom of the plant for better humidity conditions, but never wet the leaves of satin pothos it can invite different fungal infections towards it. If your plant is showing abnormal growth or having such conditions, it will be better to change the area.


In the growing seasons, you can give some organic and rich fertilizers to the plant. Organic or natural fertilizers can be used after every 20-25 days, but be careful and don’t add any dose, which can affect plant health.


After about one-year plants, roots will grow and expand more, in this stage repotting is necessary. This time select a little big pot and fill it with the best soil mixture and it must be having a drainage system in it. Water the plant after transplanting and give it proper care for a few days.


It’s easy to propagate silver satin pothos and it’s the same as other pothos as Marble queen pothos, first of all, get a vine cutting from the main plant. Any type of knife or sharp cutter can be used for this process but make sure that it’s having at least one node with it (node is the place where the plant will start growing roots). Now fill up a jar with water and mentally put the cutting in it (you can also use any type of rooting hormone, so the plant will produce roots faster but it’s not necessary).

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After almost two weeks roots will start growing and when they obtain a length of about 2 inches it’s necessary to move them into your pot. The germination ratio is not 100% may be in some cases cutting doesn’t produce roots. After transplanting cutting in your pot, you can start caring like a plant. Other varieties of pothos like pothos njoy and many more can be propagated in the same way