Philodendrons are popular houseplants because of their ease of care and beautiful foliage. Among the many varieties of philodendrons, two that stand out are the Moonlight and Lemon Lime. While they may look similar at first glance, there are some key differences between them. In this article, we will compare and contrast the Philodendron Moonlight and Lemon Lime.


The most noticeable difference between the two plants is their leaf color. The Philodendron Moonlight has bright chartreuse-colored leaves, while the Lemon Lime has yellow-green leaves. Both plants have heart-shaped leaves with a glossy texture, but the Moonlight’s leaves are slightly more elongated and pointed at the tips, whereas the Lemon Lime’s leaves are more rounded.

Another difference is the size of the plants. The Moonlight is a compact plant that grows to a maximum height of 2 to 3 feet, making it an ideal choice for small spaces or as a tabletop plant. On the other hand, the Lemon Lime is a larger plant that can grow up to 4 to 6 feet in height, making it more suitable as a floor plant.

Light Requirements

Both Moonlight and Lemon Lime require bright but indirect light to thrive. However, the Moonlight can tolerate low light conditions better than the Lemon Lime. This makes the Moonlight a good choice for offices or areas with less natural light. The Lemon Lime, on the other hand, requires more light to maintain its vibrant yellow-green color.

Watering Needs

Both plants prefer to be kept consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other problems. The Lemon Lime is more tolerant of a little bit of dryness between waterings, whereas the Moonlight prefers to be kept evenly moist at all times.

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Both Moonlight and Lemon Lime can be propagated through stem cuttings. The best time to propagate is during the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. Simply take a stem cutting with a few leaves attached and place it in a pot with well-draining soil. Keep the soil moist and provide bright but indirect light, and the cutting should root within a few weeks.


In summary, while the Philodendron Moonlight and Lemon Lime share many similarities, they also have some distinct differences. The Moonlight has bright chartreuse-colored leaves, is a compact plant, and can tolerate lower light conditions. The Lemon Lime has yellow-green leaves, is a larger plant, and requires more light to maintain its color. Both plants prefer consistently moist soil and can be easily propagated through stem cuttings. Ultimately, the choice between these two plants comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of your space.


  1. Are Moonlight and Lemon Lime toxic to pets?

Yes, both plants are toxic to cats and dogs if ingested.

  1. Can Moonlight and Lemon Lime be grown outdoors?

No, these plants are tropical and prefer warm and humid conditions, making them unsuitable for outdoor growth in most climates.

  1. Can Moonlight and Lemon Lime be grown in water?

Yes, both plants can be grown in water using the hydroponic method, but they will require additional nutrients and care.

  1. How often should I fertilize Moonlight and Lemon Lime?

Both plants benefit from monthly fertilization during the growing season (spring and summer), but avoid fertilizing during the dormant season (fall and winter).

  1. Can I mix Moonlight and Lemon Lime in the same pot?
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Yes, these two plants can be grown together in the same pot as long as they have similar light and watering requirements.

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