Dogwood shrubs grow in full sun or partial shade and moist soil. Many dogwood shrubs grow well in moist soil for short periods during the growing season, making them suitable for the rain gardens and low spots in the landscape. Silk and red dogwoods are incredibly tolerant of consistently moist soil. When purchasing plants, read the plant’s label to ensure that your growing location complies with the plant’s moisture requirements.

Plant dogwood bushes in spring or early summer. Water the shrubs well after planting and also spread a layer of mulch 2 inches thick over the root zone to prevent the soil moisture loss. Water the plants regularly during the first growing season to promote a robust root system.

How to care for a dogwood tree?

Of course, caring for dogwood trees will change as the more remarkable seasons approach, and we’re not just talking about peeling some leaves. So here are some of the tips on how to care for dogwood trees in the fall and winter.

1.      Planting

The spring is the most popular time to plant dogwoods, but late fall is also an excellent time to plant them. This is because the trees go dormant in late fall. It is important to remember that a newly planted tree will need adequate food and water, so if you choose to grow in the fall, be sure to provide sufficient water.

Spring and fall tend to be one of the most popular times to plant these trees because you want to grow them before the tree begins to bud and flower. Furthermore, if you are trying to move a dogwood tree, early spring and fall are the best times to do so because less stress is placed on the trees.

2.      Pruning

All trees should be pruned, regardless of tree type. However, best time to prune is during late fall or winter when it comes to dogwood trees—as with many flowering trees. Why is that? Because the tree enters sleep at this time. Pruning it about six weeks before the leaves fall from the tree is the best practice. Moreover, remember to prune the stem shoots also during the fall season.

Please note that flowering dogwood trees may bleed if you end up pruning your trees during late winter. That’s why pruning them before this time is ideal. However, if you are not comfortable pruning dogwood trees, there are companies with an entire team of landscaping experts at Mencer’s Tree Service. They can wholly and safely prune your trees if you can’t do it on your own.

3.      Watering

It’s not as hot outside as it used to be, and that doesn’t mean you should forget to water your trees. Dogwood trees need water all year round. You should not need to use as much as the water as you do during the spring and summer, but you should still remember to water your trees. This seems especially true during the fall months. Watering once or twice in a week in the fall is sufficient, ensuring that the root zone is completely submerged.

4.      Fertilization

Near the end of their hibernation, late winter is the best time to fertilize dogwood trees. Not all dogwood trees require fertilizer, but if you notice pale or sparse leaves or short twig growth, these are all signs that fertilization is necessary. Begin this composting process with two pounds of compost per inch of trunk diameter. Avoid the tree trunk while spreading the compost on the ground. The best fertilizer to use for the dogwood trees is 12-4-8 or 16-4-8.

5.      Checking for Diseases

Nobody wants a sick tree in their yard. First, it doesn’t look great. But the disease can also spread to trees and other plants, posing a danger to your entire yard. The fall and the winter are good times to check for infections. For example, a common type of dogwood tree disease is anthracnose, dogwood. This causes the leaf spots and stem cankers and kills buds. You may not notice some of its symptoms at first, or you may not see the burnt tan spots on your tree’s leaves. However, a clear sign is that after the leaves fall, the damaged leaves will continue to cling to the stems. If you notice this, it is possible that your tree is sick and should be taken care of immediately.