While forsythia shrubs are easy to care for, you can do a few things to help them perform their best for you.

The first thing about forsythia shrub care is that Forsythia enjoys full sun. Therefore, ensure the forsythia shrub gets at least six hours of sunlight daily. While it can tolerate less than that, Forsythia’s ability to bloom will be reduced if not exposed to full sun.

Forsythia bush care

When a forsythia bush blooms, it’s a sure sign that warmer weather is on the way. Forsythia is one of the oldest shrubs that bloom in spring, making its golden bell-shaped flowers a welcome sight.

Forsythia is a large, fast-growing shrub that thrives in zones 4-8. Here’s how to find your plant zone. It will grow from 8 to 10 feet tall, although there are dwarf types available, and they can be pruned to size. Try this plant as a hedge that will make a stunning show in spring.

How to do forsythia plant care

Location Regarding the demands on its location, the Forsythia border is not demanding and completely adaptable. In a sunny spot, showy Forsythia thrives just as well as in a somewhat shaded area. So the shrub can be planted almost anywhere in the garden, depending on anything other than your decorative desires. The best flowering is expected in a sunny and warm place.

1.      Soil condition

As long as a soil is not too calcareous or prone to waterlogging, this flowering shrub is tolerant of all soil conditions. Forsythia borders proliferate on nutrient-rich soil but also on poor soil. Well-drained garden beds provide optimal growing conditions with medium nutritional content.

2.      Planting time

These beautiful flowering shrubs can be grown all year round. Only periods of frost and high summer periods are less recommended planting times. However, the spring flower will grow best when planted in soil in early spring.

3.      Replanting

In general, replanting large bushes is somewhat tricky because the root ball can be damaged. Therefore, if a change of location is indispensable, it is necessary to take preparatory action in the spring. For this purpose, the roots are separated with a shovel at a distance of about 40 cm around the plant. In this way, new and soft roots are formed.

4.      Watering

If the forsythia border is well rooted in the outer soil, it should be watered only in extended dry periods. Water the shrub only when the soil surface is already dehydrated. The Showy Forsythia is best poured in the early morning or evening hours. Since the shrub is formed only by shallow roots, water should be provided slowly so it can be sufficiently absorbed from the upper soil layer. In spring, fall, and winter, the boundaries of a forsythia-free field usually require no additional water.

Young plants and aquarium plants should be poured a little more frequently. Excess water is poured into the saucer after 10 minutes at the latest so that waterlogging does not form. If the leaves droop, this is an infallible indication that the plant is suffering from a lack of water.

5.      Fertilizing

If Forsythia x intermedia is planted in nutrient-rich humus soil or when compost or planting fertilizers have been incorporated into the ground, you will not need any additional fertilizer in the early years. In the following years, border forsythia should be moderately fertilized. In most garden soils, the shrub ultimately grows without additional nutrients.

6.      Cutting

If you let the showy Forsythia grow as you wish, you will be disappointed after some time. After about three years, flowering will noticeably disappear. To stimulate the growth of the petals, Forsythia’s borders should be cut slightly at the tips and radically. Numerous healthy shoots from previous years are necessary for rich flowering.